WSE Report 2017 – 2018

Inspectors from the Department of Education and Skills carried out a Whole School Evaluation in St Kieran’s College on the week beginning Monday 18th September 2017.

The Board of Management welcomes this very positive report following the recent WSE MLL. Our mission states that academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally our students are encouraged to strive for all that is possible in the relentless pursuit of perfecting their individual gifts and talents. It was heartening to see that the inspectorate saw that this “mission is lived out in practice”.

In particular, we welcome recognition of the fact that “the board and senior management promote excellence in teaching and learning”, that we “promote a culture of learning” in St Kieran’s, that “very well-organised student support structures are in place “and that as a result, our “students were very focused and able to work purposefully”.

Finally an appreciation of the manner in which “in all lessons, there was a good atmosphere for learning, students were motivated to learn and showed high levels of respect towards their teachers and each other” is very affirming of the dedication and commitment of our students, staff, management and parents who all work so closely together to create this positive school environment.

The full report is published on the Department of Education website or alternatively, it can be downloaded by clicking on the following link.