President’s Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to St Kieran’s College, our Diocesan Secondary School. Since we first began in 1782 St Kieran’s College has remained faithful to its original mission and ethos: the education and formation of each student to the highest standards, based on the values of the Gospel. We strive, therefore, to provide the opportunity for students who come to St Kieran’s the possibility to achieve the fullness of their potential academically, personally, sportingly and spiritually.

The school community is led today by Mr Adrian Finan, as Principal, Mr Ken Maher and Mr Liam Smith as Deputy Principals and a team of many committed pastoral, year heads, post holders and so many more. Ours is a community that has all its members working to realise our mission – the relentless pursuit of academic excellence – and the full formation, of each student, according to the values of the Gospels so that each may fulfil their God-given talents.

It is, truly, humbling to witness the variety of gifts and talents of our students. They are as many as the pupils we educate – from music to drama, debating to maths, poetry to science, languages to sporting successes and so much more… It is a privilege for us to journey with these men as they hone their talents through practice and commitment. Educating them is a sacred duty, guiding them is an honour, coaching them is a privilege, encouraging them is a simple task and enjoying the fruits of their gifts – a joy.

As the oldest Catholic Secondary School in Ireland, we are very proud of our past; and of those who left here carrying that tradition with them, we are immensely proud! But it is the future that we think about most: how can we continue to best prepare our students to serve as leaders in the Ireland of tomorrow?
I know you will find in St Kieran’s College a community that is welcoming, supportive and encouraging. Maybe this is the continuation of your family’s tradition with St Kieran’s or maybe it is the beginning of a new one … whichever it may be, you are most welcome.

Fr Dermot Ryan


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Key Dates

Key Dates Academic Year 2024-2025

Please note: It may be necessary to reschedule some of the below times and dates. Please check the school website throughout the year for confirmation of the most up to date information.

Wednesday 21st
Staff Day (No school for students)
Thursday 22nd
6th Years return at 8:50
Friday 23rd
3rd Year students return 8:50am / 1st Year Induction at 11am
Monday 26th
2nd / 5th Years and TY students return to school at 8:50am
Monday 16th
Open Evening
Friday 20th
Sports Day
Monday 23rd
Free Day (No school for students)
Monday 7th - Friday 11th
October Exams (Provisional)
Monday 14th - Friday 25th
TY Work Experience (TBC)
Thursday 17th (4:15-6:45pm)
6th Year P/T Meeting (Provisional)
Friday 25th (1pm)
Midterm Break Begins
Monday 4th (8.50 am)
School Reopens after Mid-Term Break
Thursday 7th
Dept of Education Staff Training Day (No school for students)
Thursday 14th (4.15pm - 6.45pm)
3rd Year P/T Meeting (Provisional)
Thursday 21st (4.15pm - 6.45pm)
5th Year P/T Meeting (Provisional)
Friday 22nd
Staff Training Day (No school for students)
Monday 2nd - Friday 6th
Christmas Exams (6th Years / 3rd Years - provisional)
Monday 16th - Friday 20th
Christmas Exams (1st / 2nd & 5th Years)
Friday 20th (1pm)
Christmas Holidays Begin
Monday 6th (8:50am)
School Reopens after Christmas Holidays
Monday 20th
Oide Staff Training Day (No school for students)
Thursday 23rd (4.15pm - 6.45pm)
1st Year P/T Meeting
Thursday 30th (4.15pm - 6.45pm)
2nd Year P/T Meeting
Monday 3rd
St Brigid’s Day Bank Holiday - No School
Tuesday 4th - Friday 14th
TY Work Experience (TBC)
Tuesday 4th - Friday 14th
Mock Examinations for JC & LC
Friday 14th February (1pm)
Midterm Break Begins
Monday 24th (8.50 am)
School Reopens after Midterm Break
Thursday 27th (4:15-6:45pm)
TY P/T Meeting
Saturday 1st
Entrance Assessment Test
Friday 7th
St Kieran’s Day Activities
Monday 17th
School Closed (St Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday)
Tuesday 18th
Free Day (No school for students)
Monday 31st (March) - Friday 4th
Easter Exams (1st & 5th Years)
Friday 11th (1pm)
Easter Holidays Begin
Monday 28th
School Reopens after Easter Holidays
Monday 5th
School Closed (Bank Holiday)
Monday 26th
Summer Examinations Begin (Provisional)
Friday 30th (1pm)
Summer Holidays Begin
Wednesday 4th
Junior & Leaving cert exams start

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