It is with a great sense of joy and gratitude for the many blessings that I welcome the 2010 edition of St. Kieran’s College Record. While the Record is a chronicle of all that has happened in the College during the last year, it also reflects the work of all the stakeholders.
The past year was indeed one of many blessings for the College – from the publication, with its hugely positive results, of the Whole School Evaluation Report by the Department of Education and Science, to the Choral Concert in the College Chapel and the retaking of the Croke Cup with a score of 2 goals 11 points thereby achieving our 17th All-Ireland senior hurling title.
With the ongoing support of the Trustees, the programme of refurbishment and development is now in its final phase. For the financial year ending 31st August 2009, additions to our school buildings cost €345,756 and to the College €672,301, which included the replacement of the main utility services. Additions to furniture, fittings and equipment cost €53,943 and for the College €37,047.
The economic downturn and the restructuring of our country’s financial services continue to impact on the public finances, the budgets of all government departments, families and all citizens. For us the impact is obvious to see with the serious fall off in the mature student intake of the
N.U.I.M. Outreach Programme on our campus. Fees have to be paid by the students concerned from their own resources, either from disposable income or from sponsorship. New developments in education and formation continue
to give new life to St. Kieran’s. The building known as the Bantile is being reorganised and upgraded.
It will become a facility for curriculum enhancement with grant aid from the Department of Education and Skills. The Vocations Office for the Diocese has been relocated to the College from which, it is hoped, many creative programmes will be administered.
This is a difficult time to be involved in the work of education and formation. Much hard work, dedication and commitment to our mission has made this past year such a successful one. I express my thanks to the Principal, the Deputy Principal, the teachers,
all the staff, the Chaplain and the Chaplaincy team, the students and their Council, the parents and their Association, the Trustees and the Board of Management. Please enjoy reading this edition of the Record in this, our 227th academic year. May we thank God our Father for all the good that has happened during the last year.
Monsignor Kieron Kennedy